Adam Butler 2 of AXI 5330 F3A
- Name: Adam Butler
- Address: New Zealand
- Model: Mosquito Bomber
- Motor: 2 of AXI 5330 F3A
- Prop: 2 of 3 blade 19 x 10 Wooden Props
- ECS: 2 of Castle Creations ICE HV 75 Amp
- Lipol: 2 of 10 Cell 5300mah Packs
- Weight: 13kg Take Off Weight ( 2 KG of Batterys )
- Wingspan: 100" ( 2.5m )
A Great Flying Electric model with Plenty of power for an 8 Minute Competition Flight using approx 4000mah out of the packs, Max Amp Draw is just under 70Amps at take off.